Mega Code Archive

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VisualBasic Script
1) Access
2) Application
3) Data Type
4) Data Type Functions
5) Date Functions
6) Excel
7) File Path
8) Forms
9) Language Basics
10) Math Functions
11) Outlook
12) Powerpoint
13) String Functions
14) Windows API
15) Word
16) XML
Date Functions
1) A destroying the old values by using the Preserve keyword
2) Aaaa - Displays the full, localized name of the day
3) Add value to Date
4) AMPM - Uses the 12-hour clock and displays AM or PM as appropriate
5) AMPM - Uses the 12-hour clock and displays the AM or PM string literal defined for the system
6) AP - Uses the 12-hour clock and displays A or P as appropriate
7) Break a single date down to its individual components using the DatePart function
8) C - Displays the date
9) Characters for Creating Your Own Number Formats
10) Currency
11) Currency - The number is displayed with two decimal places, a thousand separator, and the currency symbol appropriate to th
12) D - Displays the date (1 to 31) without a leading zero for single-digit numbers
13) Date and Now
14) Date returns a VariantDate containing the current date according to your computer
15) Date separator (also locale-dependent)
16) DateAdd returns the result of adding or subtracting a specified period of time to a date
17) DateAdd(interval, number, date) returns a VariantDate containing the date of the specified interval after the specified dat
18) DateDiff returns the interval of time between two dates
19) DateDiff() function returns the difference between two dates The unit for the difference is specified as a string ( s for s
20) DateDiff(interval, date1, date2[, firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]]) returns the interval between two specified dates
21) DateDiff(m, 3152000, Now)
22) DateDiff(m, Now, 101003)
23) DateDiff(yyyy, Now, 101003)
24) DatePart returns Prints the Year
25) DatePart(d, Now)
26) DatePart(h, Now)
27) DatePart(m, Now)
28) DatePart(n, Now)
29) DatePart(q, Now)
30) DatePart(s, Now)
31) DatePart(w, Now)
32) DatePart(ww, Now)
33) DateSerial(4, 11, 23) returns 11232004
34) DateSerial(year, month, day) returns a VariantDate containing the date for the specified year, month, and day
35) DateValue(date) returns a VariantDate containing the specified date
36) DateValue(Nov, 23 04) returns 11232004
37) Day(Date)
38) Day(date) returns a VariantInteger between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month for date
39) Dd - Displays the date with a leading zero for single-digit numbers (01 to 31)
40) Ddd - Displays the day as a three-letter abbreviation (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat) with no period
41) Dddd - Displays the full name of the day
42) Ddddd - Displays the complete date (day, month, and year) in the systems short date format
43) Dddddd - Displays the complete date (day, month, and year) in the systems long date format
44) Declaring and Working with Dynamic Arrays
45) Delivery Date Maint
46) Difference between two dates in days and months
47) Dynamic Arrays
48) Fixed - The number is displayed with two decimal places and at least one integer place
49) For example, the following statement returns Saturday, April 01, 2006
50) Format Demo
51) Format the date type value
52) Format time as mmmm_yyyy
53) Format(datDateTime, dd mmm yy)
54) Format(datDateTime, Long Date)
55) Format(datDateTime, mm dddd hh
56) Format(datDateTime, yyyy-mm-dd)
57) Format(dblNumber #####0)
58) Format(dblNumber ###,##0 00)
59) Format(dblNumber 0 00)
60) Format(dblNumber 000000 00)
61) Format(Now, ddd)
62) Format(Now, dddd)
63) Format(Now, ddddd)
64) Format(Now, dddddd)
65) Format(Now, d-mmmm-yy)
66) Format(Now, d-mmm-yy)
67) Format(Now, Hh
68) Format(Now, mmmm d, yyyy)
69) Format(Now, ttttt)
70) Formatting the date and time with format function
71) General Number - The number is displayed with no thousand separator
72) Get the weekend between startDate and endDate
73) H - Displays a number from 0 to 23 giving the hour
74) Hh - Displays a number from 00 to 23 giving the two-digit hour
75) Hour(time) returns VariantInteger between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour for time
76) M - Displays an integer from 1 to 12 giving the number of the month without a leading zero on single-digit months
77) Mm - Displays a number from 01 to 12 giving the two-digit number of the month When used after h returns minutes instead of
78) Mmm - Displays the month as a three-letter abbreviation (except for May) without a period
79) Mmmm - Displays the full name of the month
80) MonthName returns the text string associated with a month number
81) MonthName(Month(Date))
82) MonthName(Month(Date), True)
83) MonthName(month) returns A String containing the name of the month represented by month
84) N - Displays a number from 0 to 60 giving the minute
85) Nn - Displays a number from 00 to 60 giving the two-digit minute
86) Now returns a VariantDate containing the current date and time according to your computer
87) OnOff - A non-zero number is displayed as On; a zero number is displayed as Off
88) Oooo - Displays the full localized name of the month
89) Percent - The number is displayed multiplied by 100, with two decimal places, and with a percent sign
90) Prints the Day of the Year
91) Prints the Month Number
92) Prints the Quarter Number
93) Prints the Week of the Year
94) Program an event for 3
95) Q - Displays a number from 1 to 4 giving the quarter of the year
96) Returns a currency formatted with four decimal places
97) Returns the number of weeks between June 3, 2006 and September 30, 2006
98) S - Displays a number from 0 to 60 giving the second
99) Scheduling a Macro to Run x Minutes in the Future
100) Scheduling a Verbal Reminder
101) Scientific - The number is displayed in scientific notation
102) Second(time) returns A VariantInteger between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second for time
103) Ss - Displays a number from 00 to 60 giving the two-digit second
104) Standard - The number is displayed with two decimal places, at least one integer place, and a thousand separator (when need
105) The Currency data type allows for positive and negative numbers with up to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4
106) The Weekday function values
107) Theres a potential problem when you try to resize the array
108) Timer returns a Single giving the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight
109) TimerValue function returns time value
110) TimeSerial(9, 0, 0) returns 9
111) TimeSerial(hour, minute, second) returns a VariantDate containing the time for the specified hour, minute, and second
112) TimeValue(9
113) TimeValue(time) returns A VariantDate containing the time for time
114) To schedule an event relative to the current time - for example, 20 minutes from now
115) Transpose() sub procedure is using a dynamic array that is re-dimensioned with two dimensions
116) TrueFalse - A non-zero number is displayed as True; a zero number is displayed as False
117) Ttttt - Displays the full time (hour, minute, and second) in the systems default time format
118) Use DateDiff function
119) Use DateSerial and Weekday
120) Use Hour to get the hour value from a date
121) Use Now to retrieve current Date and Time
122) Use ReDim to create dynamic array
123) Use the OnTime method to run a VBA procedure on a particular day
124) Use the Preserve keyword to keep the values
125) Use Weekday to get the weekday value from a date
126) Use year function to get the year
127) Using a Dynamic Array
128) Using DatePart(interval, date[,firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]]) to Parse Dates
129) Using the Format Function to Format an Expression
130) VBA Date function and the Mod operator
131) W - Displays an integer from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Monday) containing the day of the week
132) Weekday(Date)
133) Weekday(date) returns A VariantInteger containing the day of the week represented by date
134) WeekdayName (weekday) returns A String containing the weekday denoted by weekday
135) WeekdayName(Weekday(Date))
136) WeekdayName(Weekday(Date), True)
137) Ww - Displays an integer from 1 to 54 giving the number of the week in the year
138) Y - Displays an integer from 1 to 366 giving the day of the year
139) Year(Date)
140) YesNo - A non-zero number is displayed as Yes; a zero number is displayed as No
141) Yy - Displays a number from 00 to 99 giving the two-digit year
142) Yyyy - Displays a number from 0100 to 9999 giving the four-digit year